Settings Page – Filter Button

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Filter Button Settings: #

#Button Style:  There are thirteen (13) filter button styles, click on the button style and you will see the styles as a dropdown, when selecting a style you will see the button design with animation on the far left side. Which will help you understand the design of any button


#Rename ‘ALL’ Button: The first of the filter buttons is the ‘All’ button if you want to change the button text, input the text  on this field
#Remove ‘ALL’ Button: The first of the filter buttons is the All button if you want to remove this button, click on this field
#Button Align: Filter button align setting. choose align from the drop-down
#Button Label Color: Filter Button Text Color

#Active Color: Clicking on a button will activate it, the text color of this button when it is activated

#Button Background: Filter Button Background Color, Applies only to button styles 3,4,6,8,10,13
#Button Font Size(Px) & Button Font Weight: Filter Button typography

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